2020 AGM Arrangements

2020 AGM Arrangements

2020 AGM, News
This Note sets out the arrangements for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the PMCPA, postponed in the light of the Coronavirus pandemic. This year the AGM will take place online, with copies of all documents and contributions also sent by hand to those Members who do not use emails in their dealings with us. Such Members may, of course, join the online version. This section of our website includes an Agenda; all Reports and contributions by the Officers of the Association and the Partners of the Pinn Medical Centre; and papers on the Constitution and the Election of Trustees. In addition there is a series of video clips of what, in normal times, would be the Board Members on the top table. Our guest David Simmonds MP has also…
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Changes to  NHS Services

Changes to NHS Services

Community, News, NHS
We have been asked to share a communication from The North West London health and care partnership entitled Coronavirus pandemic: information for the public about changes to NHS services. 200220_nw_london_coronavirus_guidance_for_patientsDownload
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Update on the Pinn Medical Centre Services

Update on the Pinn Medical Centre Services

News, NHS
Today the Partners of the Pinn Medical Centre (PMC) agreed to a request from the Harrow Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to close the Walk in Centre (WiC) as a temporary measure. In its place the CCG has asked the PMC to set up a temporary GP Access service for non-Covid-19 patients. As of Saturday 28 March 2020 the Walk in Centre will be closed to patients who do not have an appointment. It should be noted that patients who are acutely ill and who cannot be redirected elsewhere will continue to be seen at the Pinn. The Pinn will continue to remain available to our registered patients for initial telephone consultations and booked face-to-face consultations as are necessary. Unregistered patients wishing to have an appointment should call 111 where they will be…
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Recruiting New Trustees

Recruiting New Trustees

The Pinn Medical Centre Patients’ Association is looking to recruit up to four new Trustees to serve on its Board. We are not looking just for skills and experience in any particular area; except that of being, perhaps with your family, a patient of the Pinn Medical Centre. But there are some skills and experience which we would make very good use of, as listed in our Recruitment Announcement. A Recruitment Pack, containing the Announcement and other relevant documents is available to download, as follows: The Trustee Recruitment AnnouncementInformation for ApplicantsJob Description and Person Specification of TrusteesRole of Patient Participation GroupsThe Board’s Role and PurposeThe Trustee Code of ConductPMCPA’s 3 -Year Strategic Plan Strategic Framework (2019-2022) This pack is also available in hard copy from Reception at the Pinn Medical…
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