Following on from our report on the highly successful Health Fair on September 25th 2016 the trustees of the Pinn Medical Centre would like to give our sincere thanks to the following local businesses who supported our fund raising efforts by donating a prize for our Grand Raffle
- D & J Ambrose
- Fridolin’s Beauty Clinic
- Hilton and Family
- Visage Beauty Salon
- K5 Lounge
- Minoosh
- Angie’s Chemist
To Personal Training Performance Pinner for their generous donation and finally to Carter’s Chemist and Bodywise for their sponsorship of the Smoothie Bike.
The raffle was held to raise funds for the purchase of a sit on weighing scales for the Pinn Medical Centre and I am pleased to say that we were successful in achieving this objective so a big thank you to all our supporters.