Take Part in a PMC Patient Survey

Take Part in a PMC Patient Survey

Dear Patient, The PMC is working together as part of a Primary Care Network (PCN). Your PCN is called Healthsense. We are exploring how we can best deliver evening & weekend GP services to meet your needs. These additional appointments won't affect the appointments offered at your surgery Monday-Friday during 8am-6.30pm. You'll still be able to access NHS 111 out of hours, seven days a week. Your feedback is crucial to help us design a service as a PCN which fits our patient's needs. Please spend 5 minutes completing the survey below https://forms.gle/sPTzD75nKw9osA2QA Thank you Pinn Medical Centre
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PATCHES to replace Klinik

PATCHES to replace Klinik

Dear Patient, North West London CCG is launching a new online consultation tool called PATCHS which will replace Klinik and improve the experience for patients, to access online services and administrative help. The service will go live on Wednesday 20th July 2022 on our practice website. Until then please continue to use Klinik. More information on PATCHS can be found at https://www.patchs.ai/patchs_for_patients We apologise for any disruption and inconvenience that is experienced whilst we make the transition to PATCHS.Thank youPinn Medical Centre
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Vaccination Centre Volunteers

Vaccination Centre Volunteers

Following on from the tremendous work undertaken by the Volunteers at the Tithe Farm Vaccination Centre (and subsequently at Byron Hall) the Pinn Medical Centre (PMC) nominated the Volunteer Team for a Helpforce Award. The PMC is now part of the Healthsense Primary Care Network, and the volunteer team was led by the Patients’ Association Chair, Kevin Mahon. The nomination is set out in full on the Helpforce Awards website (link below) and is now open for a public voting round. Voting is by ticking on the “Thumbs Up” icon which you can do anonymously without logging in (although you seem to have to do so twice!). https://www.judgify.me/public-voting/peopleschoiceaward2021/submissions/481032?lan=en
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