Useful Health Links

Useful Health Links

News, Uncategorized
Below is a series of links to local and national health websites. - contains specific information on services in Harrow borough and also sectionson ‘your health, your services’, details of committee meetings and news, publications and campaigns (includingone on zero tolerance) for the area. The Harrow Council - Health and Wellbeing Harrow Council Public Health - specifically COVID. Healthy London Partnership  The main NHS UK website - with information on conditions (including a focus on specificconditions such as diabetes), living well, care and support. And the NHS App (which is distinct from the NHS Test and Trace App and which can include your CovidVaccination Certificate) can be downloaded to phones from your App Store.
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Members’ Opinion Survey

Members’ Opinion Survey

The Pinn Medical Centre Patients’ Association has carried out a survey of its Members on the type of services it should provide. Click here to see a summary of the responses.
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NHS Data Opt Out

NHS Data Opt Out

News, NHS
Some patients have recently contacted the Patients’ Association asking for guidance with regard to the government’s plans to allow NHS Data to be made available to a third party. In essence, the decision remains a personal choice and not one that necessarily requires medical advice. At this point the Partners are reviewing the government guidelines as they continue to emerge and in any case, they note that the deadline to submit your response has been extended to September while the government considers its final policy statement. The Board of Trustees will release its own definitive statement when the position of the NHS generally and the Pinn Medical Centre in particular is clarified.
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Covid Vaccination Centre Volunteers

Covid Vaccination Centre Volunteers

The Pinn Medical Centre has asked for volunteers to support patients when they attend for Covid vaccination – the detailed letter from Dr Kelshiker is available here. A set of detailed Volunteer frequently asked questions (FAQs) is available here. If you are interested in applying please download the MS Word application form and return it to Kevin Mahon at the Pinn Medical Centre Patients’ Association - Thank you.
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