How we work

A number of formal documents govern and report on the way in which we work.

These are described and included in the following section.


All Registered Charities such as the Association have to have a “Governing Document” which includes what it is set up to do (its Objects) and how it will operate. In our case the Governing Document is our Constitution. A new Constitution for the Association was approved by an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members held on 24 September 2015, and amended during the 2020 Annual General Meeting process.

Strategic Plan

In June 2019 the Board of Trustees agreed a Strategic Plan to guide the work of the Association over the following three years. The Board has also approved a summary Strategic Framework. The Framework was submitted to the PMCPA Annual General Meeting on 20 June 2019. The Strategic Plan is reviewed and – if necessary – updated annually, and a report on progress is made to each Annual General Meeting of Members. We expect that a new Strategic Plan will be prepared in 2022.

A Patient Participation Group

It is now a requirement of the General Practice contract in England that practices should have a Patient Participation Group. Their role is summarised here.  In July 2015, Dr Amol Kelshiker, the Senior Partner of the Pinn Medical Centre, formally recognised the Pinn Medical Centre Patients’ Association as its Patient Participation Group.

Role and purpose of the Board

In November 2015 the Board of Trustees approved the Board’s Role and Purpose, a document based on advice from the National Council for Voluntary Organisations.